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Get Involved

There are a number of ways to get involved with the chorus. We have opportunities for both singing and non-singing members. Whatever your interest, we can find ways for you to be an active part of our community.

Become a Singer

We welcome all singers who can sing in the TTBB (tenor, baritone, and bass) vocal range. 


We rehearse on Tuesday evenings from 7:00pm - 9:00pm on Milwaukee's East Side. 


We have multiple singing cycles/seasons each year. Typically a Fall cycle running from September through December and a Spring cycle from January through June.



We do not do formal auditions for the chorus. Our artistic director will meet with each prospective new member to listen to their voice and determine range and appropriate section.


The chorus is a space for all to be welcome. You do not need to be an expert at reading music to be part of the chorus. Our director works with all members to understand the music, regardless of your music ability.


Those interested can attend one of the first rehearsals of the cycle.


Being a Singing Member

  • The chorus supplies sheet music for all members.

  • Each member is expected to provide their own black binder to hold their music

  • Dues are $10 per month (10 months total for the year). Scholarships are available for those who are unable to pay

  • Rehearsals are at Plymouth Church (2717 E. Hampshire St., Milwaukee, WI 53211) on Tuesdays from 7pm - 9pm

  • Concert dress is discussed for each concert. Our dress tends to be "all black" with members being able to wear the clothes in which they are most comfortable.

Non-Singing Members

Anyone can support the mission of the chorus by joining us as a non-singing member. Men and women who would like to contribute their time and talents behind the scenes to make the music happen are a vital part of making Our Voice Milwaukee a community chorus. 


We are always looking for people to help the chorus in general volunteer roles from ushering at concerts to helping with ticket sales.

Chorus Leadership

Non-singing members are welcome to get involved with the chorus leadership and serve on committees and also run for board positions.

Event Support

Concerts, fundraisers, and other events require non-singing members to help organize, serve in backstage roles, and support the chorus in a number of ways.

Skills and Talents

Do you have a skill or talent that isn't singing? We would love to have your skills support the chorus. From photography to audio recording and more, your skills can be a valuable asset.

Administrative Roles

Our chorus features a working board and a team of volunteers. We are always in need of people to help organize, make copies, and do other administrative tasks.


Are you someone who just knows many people and has connections? We can always benefit from those relationships. Help with publicity, solicit funds, and more!

OVM is a 501(c)(3) organization

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© 2023 Our Voice Milwaukee

OVM is rapidly growing and having so much going on. If you are interested in receiving emails from us about upcoming concerts, events, and opportunities, provide your email below.

Thank you for your interest!

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